A couple of weeks ago Ben and I went to Ikea for the first time on Mars! (Ten points to the first person who can tell me what movie I'm quoting.) We had such a blast! We have been saving up our tree house dollars for quite a while now and we finally spent it! : ) (More points if you can tell me where I got tree house dollars.) It was so much fun!
Let me just tell you about our Ikea-ness... We went on Wednesday planning on buying a sofa. We fell in love with one online and we just
had to have it! Kyle and Rhianna were kind enough to let us borrow their truck for the day. If you recall, the last time we bought an enormous piece of furniture I convinced James that we would have NO problem stuffing the thing into the back seat of his two door car! (I'm totally laughing out loud right now about the situation!) I was sort of wrong so we decided that we would never ever, ever, EVER write a song about The Sibby or be able to fit a couch in the car! (I'll love you forever if you can tell me who The Sibby is.)
So, when we got there I was just so surprised at how big it was! I heard it was a giant, but I didn't know people were serious! Anyway, I was instantly in love. If you have never been there I recommend taking a whole day to go. There is just so much to look at! Thankfully we had already mapped out what we wanted or else I probably would have had major anxiety!
The sofa we loved was not in stock and let me admit that I wasn't happy about it so I sat on the floor model of the sofa we wanted for about five minutes pouting that I couldn't take it home. All the while Ben is being so sweet saying, "It's okay, Brittany, we will just come back for it. I don't mind coming back." Lol. I am such a brat. But, you see, when I have my mind made up that I'm taking a couch home today it's like someone is taking away my birthday when they say I can't have it. So.... I quickly got over it, thanks to Ben, and we decided, "Let's not let the trip to go waste (although it totally wasn't) and buy something else we need!!" : )
This is what we decided on:

We were needing a bed frame to go along with memory foam mattress that we bought back in December and this one is just perfect! I think it has a neat look to it. : )
Since we didn't buy the sofa that day we decided it was important to go back and fetch it a few days later! : ) Thanks again to Kyle and Rhianna for letting us borrow their vehicular unit a second time because, like I said, we could never fit a couch in the car no matter how hard we tried! Ps. If you haven't read about the mattress being stuffed into our tiny car adventure, please do! I guarantee you will laugh!
Anyway, sometime between bed frame day and sofa day we also decided we were going to get a dining table too! It's really great. We saw it on bed frame day and really liked it. : ) Meet the table (or the Robinsons whoever you prefer):

Isn't it cute?: ) It does all these really cool tricks too! Here, I'll show you!
Wait for it....
Wait for it....
There it is!!!

Cool, huh?! We really like how the leaves pull out from under the table so we can save space and not have to worry about where to store them. We don't have any chairs yet, : ), because everything is sold separately at Ikea, but it's on our list of to-dos! : )
Okay, now the moment you've all been waiting for... The Sofa!!! Can I just say that I think Ben was more excited about buying this than I was! It
is pretty cool... Alright, enough wasting time.
Here it is:

I love it! I'm so excited to get some great throw pillows and a cool ottoman to go with it! Ross, here I come! : ) There is also this really amazing chair on Craig's list that I have been drooling over for awhile now. I don't think many people are interested in buying an enormous green orange and yellow flower printed polyester chair from the seventies. I don't know why.... Anyway, It would look great with this sofa!
Well, there you have it! Our adventures in Ikea-ing! I'm really looking forward to decorating! : )