Anyway, my little sister moved back home last week so we had a little sister date on Saturday. I peaced out of work early just for her! I needed to get out of there anyway! (Refer to my previous blog and you will understand why!)
We were both feeling pretty tired so we just decided to do something easy and easy to us equals Starbucks and Ross! : ) They are neighbors and we just happen to be their best friends!
I was really planning on documenting everything on camera, but I just couldn't do it! Mostly because I was laughing a lot.
So, our old car is just such a piece of... cool thing! Lol. Let me just tell you about it! It loves to overheat. I think its training for the Olympics or something because it is really good at it. Also, the passenger side door has no handle on the inside so if you'd like to get out you can sweet talk the driver or another passenger to open the door for you. I like this approach. It makes me feel special. OR You can roll the window down and reach out to open the door yourself. I also like this approach because it makes me feel like I'm doing a really cool trick! Haha. OR You can look really silly and just ride in the back seat with the driver upfront! Yes, I like this too because from the outside looking in it either makes me look like I'm riding in luxury or I'm really angry and the person driving! : ) But my ultimate favorite part about the piece of cool thing is that the door on the driver's side just can't decide if he likes to stay shut, or shut at all. He's such a kidder!
On this particular day, the driver's side door had decided he wasn't going to stay shut and had also decied to keep it a secret. We found out, of course, as we were whizing around the corner at the bottom of the bridge and the door comes flying wide open! Teresa instantly burst into laughter while I was in the back seat yelling, "Oh my gosh!!!" We pulled over. I was still freaking out, but Teresa was still laughing and said,"Do you realize what just happened? Can we please just laugh about this a little!?" So I did, and continued to do so as she drove the rest of the way to Starbucks holding the door shut with her left hand!
Like I said, I didn't get alot of pictures of this day, but here is a cute one of my sister and her Starbucks:
She actually just got a grande ice water, mostly for the ice I'm guessing. I'm pretty sure ice is her favorite food. : )
So, the reason why I didn't blog about this earlier today was because Ainsley was over for pretty much the whole day, and I don't know if I have mentioned this, but she is so attached me! I actually really love it, and I think it's so cute that she loves me so much. We have a very special bond. Since she was here I didn't really get a whole lot done because she only wants me to hold her. : )
Here are some really cute pictures of my day with her:
Here she is playing with my cell phone. Let me tell ya, this girl is going to be texting by the time she's two! Actually most of her time spent was watching the video I have of her sister dancing in Old Navy. I don't have any pictures but she was giving it kisses all day!
When it's time for food, she loves my mom! My mom is great Grammy so Ainsley really loves it when she gets to have lunch at her house. I couldn't help but take a ton of pictures while she was eating. She is getting so big and it's so fun to watch her!
After awhile using the fork just wasn't fast enough.
This one is definitely my favorite from the whole day:
She's pretty much adorable!
Okay, it's way past my bedtime! My brain is broken, but I feel like I always have so much to say! I am a Chatty Cathy!
Um, Goodnight!