My birthday was on a Sunday this year and it just so happens that Ben and I have Sundays off. At the time, Sundays were the only days we had off together so we have always looked forward to them and spending time with each other. This day was no exception! We were planning on going to the beach and having a great day enjoying each others company! : ) (The beach was supposed to be a surprise, but I figured it out.)
On my birthday the weather was just terrible! It was the middle of August and the rain could not have fallen harder. After church that day we were on our way back to my house and I could tell that James was feeling nervous about the weather so I asked him if he still wanted to go. (James is Ben's middle name and I love to call him by it!) I was okay with doing something else, but he really had his heart set on going to the beach! We even prayed that weather would clear up so we could have a good time, but we love the beach all the time so it didn't take long for us to agree that no matter what the weather was like we were still going to have fun.
Although I had figured out that we were going to the beach he didn't tell me where we were going, and he said I couldn't have any hints because he didn't want me to figure it out. (I am really good at guessing these kinds of things lol)
When we got out to the beach the weather was just amazing! It was seventy two, hardly any wind, and no clouds! God was definitely listening when we asked for good weather! : ) It was beautiful.
It was a great surprise to spend the day on our favorite beach. Before we got out of the car he told me the reason for bringing me to this special place was because he has great memories of us spending time together there and he thought that it was only perfect if we enjoyed this beach on my birthday. (Isn't he cute?)
We decided to take a long walk and eventually found ourselves sitting on the rocks enjoying the ocean. The whole day, but during these moments especially, I couldn't help but think about how much I love him and how important he is to me. I was feeling so happy. :)
Our picnic was dying down, everything was cleaned up, and just when I thought my day could not be any better, My James, tells me he has one last surprise! I think I was crying before I even knew what was happening! He struggled for a moment before getting the ring out of his pocket, and when he finally did he knelt down on one knee. He hadn't planned anything to say, and suddenly I could see how incredibly nervous he was. After what felt like minutes, but were only a few seconds later his eyes began to water, and then after another pause followed by a big gulp came the words I have been longing to hear for years,"Brittany... Will you be my wife?" And through laughter and tears, of course, I said "Yes, I will"
I cannot even tell you how extremely happy I was! We both were! Our hands were shaking when he put the ring on my finger. It was so silly! And I just could stop giggling or smiling! It was so perfect. :) And my ring is just so pretty!! He picked it out all by himself and he even chose the diamond for me. :) I'm so proud or him and I absolutely love it!
I'm so happy that was your favorite day! I am so excited for your wedding and future in our family! It will be so fun to watch our kids grow up together being cousins! :) I'm excited to have another sister, too! :) Even though you already are a sister to me. :) Love you, Brittany!
I'm excited, too. You are like a daughter to me and it blesses me to see you and ben so happy together. You're both treasures. Thanks for sharing the day with us, I had heard it from you both, but the pictures and details were fun to hear.
Aw, thanks guys! I'm so excited for everything. It won't be long now before I'm walking down the aisle! And then you'll be stuck with me! lol
Oh, P.s. It looks like something so serious has happened because I deleted a comment, but really I just had some typos and it sounded dumb so, Bye bye! :)
that is a great story of a wonderful experience. I am so happy for you guys. I love you!
I hope everything works out so cool for you. God is good, and he is in your lives in a big way!
I never really heard what all happened that day, it sounds like the perfect day. :) I'm so happy for you guys, and I'm excited to be stuck with you! ;)
It was so fun to read about your engagement....I'm glad that you are blogging now...blessings to you!
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